Generally, car performance chips australia are programmed extensions of your vehicle’s computer system that tell it how and when to regulate your vehicle’s fuel-to-air ratio, timing and other parameters. They also control your engine’s horsepower. Various models are available on the market, some programmed to boost horsepower, others increase fuel mileage or throttle response. However, results vary depending on the type of chip used and quality.
Most manufacturers claim that their chips can give a gasoline engine up to 35 HP and diesel engines even more. While these figures seem attainable, it is important to keep in mind that any increase in your Ford’s horsepower depends on the engine’s natural capacity and not its modified chip.
Driving Down Under: Exploring Car Performance Chips in Australia for Enhanced Power
A major problem with the installation of performance chips is that they disable your ECU’s ability to emit fuel waste in the form of exhaust emissions, in a bid to raise speed. As a result, your fuel economy drops significantly and you will need to use more lubricating oil and coolants. In addition, your engine will wear out faster. As such, the use of performance chips is not recommended. Besides, installing them voids the manufacturer’s warranty. This may lead to huge costs in the long run.