While most people consider traffic offenses minor, even routine speeding tickets can have serious side effects, including increased insurance rates and the risk of a suspended driver’s license. A Fort Myers Traffic Ticket Lawyer may be able to help you avoid these consequences by fighting your traffic ticket or working with the prosecutor or court judge to have your charges dropped or reduced.
How much does a traffic ticket lawyer cost in Florida?
A criminal citation requires a court trial, which may include your Fort Myers traffic lawyer, the cited officer, and other witnesses. Your lawyer can explain your options and defenses, as well as the consequences of a conviction. For example, a first-degree reckless driving conviction carries up to six months in jail, and a second-degree conviction can carry up to one year. Felony hit and run charges can carry more severe penalties, including up to 30 years in prison.
Traffic violations are issued by local law enforcement agencies, including the City of Fort Myers Police Department and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office. The most common traffic violations are speeding and failure to stop at a steady red signal, but other violations may be charged as well. Each violation is classified by its severity, which determines its penalty.
In most cases, a traffic attorney will be able to help you fight the charge and keep points off your record. However, if you decide to pay the fine and take the driver improvement course, you should notify the clerk of court at 1700 Monroe Street in Fort Myers in writing within thirty days of receiving your citation.