What exactly is fair skin? Is it not some sort of colored classification? Fair skinned people have the ability to look good and blend into any crowd. If you were born with a golden skin tone, you are a fair skinned person. Fair skin is also known as “tinted” skin.
For some people, fair means white. If you have light or very little dark skin, you may consider yourself to be fair. An apple cheek shape is another example. An apple cheek simply means that your skin has been painted with an apple shape
A fair complexion is not synonymous with white. Some people have very fair complexions. Fair Complexion may be defined by an absence of brown spots. In America, many teenagers consider themselves fair. That is why many fair skinned people consider applying makeup to their faces to be treating people evenly without favouritism.
Fair is a adjective that means not black. But some people believe that being fair means being black. It is important to understand that the origin of this word actually has nothing to do with colour and is related to the word fare. Fare in Italian is fare di una nazione and in Spanish, it is una naci meaning “of a different race”.
So, what does fair mean? Well fair can mean the same as lovely or nice, or the opposite, harsh or tough. It can also mean fair skin, and light or dark hair. Fair is a adjective that means not inferior or superior. It is usually associated with fine food and tastier wines. However, many people now believe that fair means white.
In American English however, fair has become a negative adjective. Fair has been used so much in books and plays that it has lost the original meaning of “faire”. Some consider fair a synonym for forgive me. Fair can also mean nice and helpful, but being a “fair” woman is not linked to being nice and helpful.
Some people who claim to support the fair-play idea in politics claim that fairness is essential to democracy, since a representative must give equal opportunities to all citizens regardless of their race or colour. Therefore fair treatment of minorities in society is necessary if we are to achieve a fair political discourse. It is argued that an ideal political system would treat the whole population equally, and therefore the term fair-play is not used anymore to describe a game or an athletic event, but is substituted by the word fairness.
However, this view is not accepted by everyone. Most social scientists maintain that treating people equally without favouritism based on colour is not fair at all. According to them fair treatment of minorities in society is necessary for genuine social progress. For them a fair political discourse is the only way forward to guarantee equality of opportunity and outcomes for every citizen.
The German philosopher Martin Heidegger pointed out that to understand politics you have to be a good interpreter of the universal meaning of the polis, which he explained as the eternal principle of democracy. According to Heidegger, a democracy needs to be fair in its definition of the good, in order to guarantee the equal right of all citizens to participate equally in the political process. Fairness thus has to be understood not as a principle of democracy, but as an attribute of a political system. Accordingly treating people unequally according to their colour, race or religion, is not only unjust, it is also against the principles of democracy. Thus fair sex policies and legislation need to be understood not as something peculiar to any particular culture or society, but as a universal feature of a democratic polity.